Friday, October 15, 2010
Craig's Awesome Blog: Things I miss
Craig's Awesome Blog: Things I miss: "I miss my old Titan football teams. The ones that had Air McNair, Wycheck, George, Bennett, and Vanden Bosch to name a few. I don't know an..."
The 4 Way Stop
I don't understand why the 4 way stop is so difficult for some drivers to understand. You approach, stop, go when it's your turn. You see when you get there if cars are waiting to go. If they are, they go before you do. You go after the cars that were there when you got there have gone. Why do some drivers sit there and wait forever? Just go! If you're unsure, motion the person you're waiting on to go ahead. And for Pete's sake, if you're going to turn use your blinker! Don't give me the "wtf" look when I'm going and you decide to turn WITHOUT letting anyone know.
While I am on the subject, when you approach an intersection and the traffic signal is out, you treat the intersection like a 4 way stop. When the car in front of you goes, that doesn't mean you can too and the next 10 behind you can go as well. You treat it like a 4 way! But that in itself might explain it. It's the ones that can't get the grasp of the 4 way stop down that screw up the traffic signal out rules. It just amazes me.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Things I miss
I miss my old Titan football teams. The ones that had Air McNair, Wycheck, George, Bennett, and Vanden Bosch to name a few. I don't know any of the players now except a select few like CJ and VY (who I have yet accepted as their QB). It's just not the same. I used to live for Sundays and Titan football. Now I'm more interested in hoping the teams I don't like lose. I still like the Broncos, as they were my first love. The Elway years. Those were good times. Now I don't think they know what they are doing either. Tebow and Quinn? Really? Are they the future of the Broncos? I hope they don't do Orton like they did Collins. Anyway, I miss my old Titan team.
I miss letters and cards in the mail. It was always a bright spot in a day when a friend or relative sent you a card or letter. Now the world is so wired for technology, no one takes the time to send anything snail mail. The art of writing letters seems to have vanished.
I miss my Dad. I was in Starbucks (my office) a few weeks ago and saw this man across the room that I swear was my Dad. Looked like him, had the same mannerisms, glasses, hair cut, etc. It was very weird and I just stared at him for a good hour. He stood up to leave and was too short to have been my Dad, but it brought a flood of memories on in my head and I was glad I could still remember his mannerisms and all. So thank you stranger for giving me time with my Dad again.
I miss several best friends that have passed away over the years. Their phone calls, visits, hanging out. Their laughter and the way they made me smile and laugh.
I miss the old music business. The one that took time to develop an artist. Artists that can survive the test of time aren't around anymore. They are all over-produced and fake now and definitely can't sing.
I'm about to miss the long days of sunlight. DST sucks. Isn't it time to stop that nonsense? Is it necessary anymore and why was it to begin with? It just isn't right to be dark at 5 pm.
That's what I miss right now. I have had more time than I probably should have been allowed to ponder my existence over the past year. Being jobless does that to you, but it's been a blessing as well. I know myself like I never have before. Maybe it's getting older as well that does this, but I'm not who I was a year ago. I see life in a whole different light. I've had time to really watch people and see them as who they are. I'm shocked at some things and more knowledgeable on others. I know I can't handle discussing politics with my family. I wonder how I am who I am seeing how they are with their beliefs and views. Totally opposite. It's interesting and really makes me wonder how I became to believe in what I do.
I spent most of the day trying to figure out how to post a slide show on here. FINALLY got it posted, but couldn't tell you how I did it. A few memories of this past summer. It has been a good one and taken me to places I haven't been before both emotionally and physically. Forever in shorts and sandals!
Friday, July 16, 2010
First Flash of Freedom
I have had the opportunity to spend some time with my niece and nephew as of late and what a fun & bonding experience it has been. I'm pretty sure I'm the favorite Uncle now. LOL. I can't get over they are 10 years old already and have developed their own personalities. Our favorite times have been playing in the pool. Samuel likes to try to catch me and pull my swimsuit down or to have me attempt to throw him as far as I can in the water. Little Grace likes to cling to me and sing songs of "don't let me sink to the bottom of the pool" or "save me from this misery." I have no clue what misery she is referring to. I ask if she is miserable in the pool and she just laughs. She does say some days the water is "like a gosh darn hot tub." Maybe that is the misery. Today is a day not to be forgotten. Grace was born with spinal meningitis and can't walk. Yet. Out of nowhere, today she says she doesn't want the noodle to hang on to; she can do it herself. She pushed the noodle towards me and just stood there on her own. My mouth fell open. Grace has never stood on her own in her life. Not only did she stand on her own, she walked several steps to the edge of the pool. Granted, water is buoyant and helped somewhat, but to see the determination on her face and to witness her standing on her own and taking a few steps is a true miracle. After years of therapy and surgeries, maybe it all is finally starting to do some good. I've always thought that one day she would understand and get the determination to try to walk on her own. I think that happened today. I hope it happens again and again. And what did she want for a reward? For me to say "Hola!" and clap. Well, she was treated to a Starbucks Latte later as well. Her favorite. :-) Go Grace!
In other awesome news - the new Sheryl Crow CD. Not so awesome. I'm real disappointed. Maybe I should have known. The title is '100 Miles From Memphis.' Well, 100 miles is not nearly far enough away from MemphASS. Too bad, Sheryl. Better luck next time.
And BP. Well, well. FINALLY after 87 days of gallons and gallons of oil flowing into the Gulf, at least for now, it's stopped. That is AWESOME!! No, BP you're not awesome, your oil not spewing its death into the Gulf right now is. Let's pray it's the beginning of the end to years of clean-up and restoration to come.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Hotel Pimping
No, I'm not a hooker. Although it has crossed my mind at times. Unemployment sucks. Yes, the unemployment checks have been a Godsend, but I need to work. Why is it so hard to find a decent job anymore? I really want to work in the hotel industry. I know it would be a good fit for me, but it seems near to impossible to get in. They all want experience. Don't they know I have experience? Life experience. I have dealt with every type of person that walks the face of this earth. Working retail for years, you at one point come in contact with all living & breathing types. I've dealt with people that think aliens are landing and coming to get them, to a woman that thought American cheese slices were nuclear bombs. That one threw me. My point is, I have tons of experience with people. Isn't that what these hotels want as well? Talk to me face to face. These phone interviews don't do it for me. How can you tell what a person is like over the phone without ever having laid eyes on them? I know when I was hiring people, I wanted to meet them face to face. Yes, I would talk a brief moment with them on the phone TO SET UP AN INTERVIEW. I don't understand the reasoning behind the phone interview. Is it because technology has become so advanced and human contact is no longer needed on the front end of employee searching? I have to disagree if it has. You learn a lot from a person when they are in front of you and not over the phone line. So if there is anyone out there in the Melbourne/Space Coast area that would like a great, dedicated employee that has experience with dealing with people and life, get at me. I need a real paycheck and am willing to work for it. Peace out.
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