Friday, July 16, 2010

First Flash of Freedom

I have had the opportunity to spend some time with my niece and nephew as of late and what a fun & bonding experience it has been. I'm pretty sure I'm the favorite Uncle now. LOL. I can't get over they are 10 years old already and have developed their own personalities. Our favorite times have been playing in the pool. Samuel likes to try to catch me and pull my swimsuit down or to have me attempt to throw him as far as I can in the water. Little Grace likes to cling to me and sing songs of "don't let me sink to the bottom of the pool" or "save me from this misery." I have no clue what misery she is referring to. I ask if she is miserable in the pool and she just laughs. She does say some days the water is "like a gosh darn hot tub." Maybe that is the misery. Today is a day not to be forgotten. Grace was born with spinal meningitis and can't walk. Yet. Out of nowhere, today she says she doesn't want the noodle to hang on to; she can do it herself. She pushed the noodle towards me and just stood there on her own. My mouth fell open. Grace has never stood on her own in her life. Not only did she stand on her own, she walked several steps to the edge of the pool. Granted, water is buoyant and helped somewhat, but to see the determination on her face and to witness her standing on her own and taking a few steps is a true miracle. After years of therapy and surgeries, maybe it all is finally starting to do some good. I've always thought that one day she would understand and get the determination to try to walk on her own. I think that happened today. I hope it happens again and again. And what did she want for a reward? For me to say "Hola!" and clap. Well, she was treated to a Starbucks Latte later as well. Her favorite. :-) Go Grace!

In other awesome news - the new Sheryl Crow CD. Not so awesome. I'm real disappointed. Maybe I should have known. The title is '100 Miles From Memphis.' Well, 100 miles is not nearly far enough away from MemphASS. Too bad, Sheryl. Better luck next time.

And BP. Well, well. FINALLY after 87 days of gallons and gallons of oil flowing into the Gulf, at least for now, it's stopped. That is AWESOME!! No, BP you're not awesome, your oil not spewing its death into the Gulf right now is. Let's pray it's the beginning of the end to years of clean-up and restoration to come.

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