Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hotel Pimping

No, I'm not a hooker. Although it has crossed my mind at times. Unemployment sucks. Yes, the unemployment checks have been a Godsend, but I need to work. Why is it so hard to find a decent job anymore? I really want to work in the hotel industry. I know it would be a good fit for me, but it seems near to impossible to get in. They all want experience. Don't they know I have experience? Life experience. I have dealt with every type of person that walks the face of this earth. Working retail for years, you at one point come in contact with all living & breathing types. I've dealt with people that think aliens are landing and coming to get them, to a woman that thought American cheese slices were nuclear bombs. That one threw me. My point is, I have tons of experience with people. Isn't that what these hotels want as well? Talk to me face to face. These phone interviews don't do it for me. How can you tell what a person is like over the phone without ever having laid eyes on them? I know when I was hiring people, I wanted to meet them face to face. Yes, I would talk a brief moment with them on the phone TO SET UP AN INTERVIEW. I don't understand the reasoning behind the phone interview. Is it because technology has become so advanced and human contact is no longer needed on the front end of employee searching? I have to disagree if it has. You learn a lot from a person when they are in front of you and not over the phone line. So if there is anyone out there in the Melbourne/Space Coast area that would like a great, dedicated employee that has experience with dealing with people and life, get at me. I need a real paycheck and am willing to work for it. Peace out.

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